Indian Black Buck

The Black Buck,(Antelope cervicapra) (Krishna Saar) is an endangered and fully protected species in Nepal. The adult male Black Buck has striking Black and white pelage (fur) and long spiral horns. Horns seldom exceed 50 cm and may reach 65 cm in Nepal. Young males, called bucks are light brown in color and after 3 years their pelage turns quite black. Females called does are beige in color and hornless. A well-grown buck stands about 32 inch (80 cm) at the shoulder and on the average weigh 40 kg. Black bucks are territorial, although they take occasional trips to surrounding terrain. The territoriality exhibited by the species is the result of the dominance shown by the adult males. Females do not make any territory of their own. Their habitat is open grass land with thorny and dry deciduous forest. They prefer ectonal region between the forest and grass land. They prefer to be in group ranging 15 - 20 individuals.

Biological Importance:
As other animal it is also a part of Nature and we need to conserve it for future generation. Black buck is one of 26 species of mammals, which have been declared endangered and protected by low in Nepal.

Genetic Importance:
Cross breeding and development of high breed for domestic use.

Economic Importance:
Each species has value and meaning. In present context Biodiversity richness is greater than monetary value.

Local Importance:
Tourist, researcher, animal lover may come toIndian Black Buck, India Wildlife Safari see this important animal and it will help the diffusion of local culture or production to the external national or international visitor.

National Importance:
Tourism development and decentralization of tourist flow.

Ecological Importance
System within a system.

Recreational Importance
Tourism and Eco-tourism.

They like to live in open grassland and dry thorn and scrubland. They like to be in herds about 20 to 30 individuals. A herd generally inhabits around 200 to 300 acres of land. A dominant male marks the territory by shifting and pawing the ground and urinating and defecating at established piles.

Food Habit:
Black buck are herbivore animals. They graze the soft grass and eat leaves, herbs and shrubs. The like to graze to vast area from the down to dust and take rest on shadow of the tree.

Indian Black Buck, India Wildlife TourMating season is August to October and March to April. Male buck performs proud heads-up displays (nose up and horns parallel to the back) to attract the attention of female does. Male engages in rutting behavior throughout the whole year. The rut consists of fighting and sparring between males with their horns. The spiral shape of horns automatically locks the horns together so rarely do the animals get hurt. The bucks do this as a form of play as well as to assert dominance and breeding privileges.

The keen eye sight and fast speed of Black Buck are its main protection against predators. When alarmed, the herd moves off in a series of high leaps and bounds, then breaks off into a quick gallop. It is one of the fastest animals in the world. The record shows that they can run 80 kilometer per hour if necessary.

Black Buck is only found in situ condition in Gularia Municipality of Bardiya District in Nepal. (
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